How to activate AVG Internet Security, AVG TuneUp | +1-855-5500-9333
How to activate AVG Internet Security, AVG TuneUp AVG Internet Security required? When you buy a retailcard subscription for AVG Internet Security , AVG TuneUp or AVG Ultimate , the details about your purchase history is stored in your AVG . To activate your retail key with the subscription, you need to log-in to your AVG MyAccount . Note : You may have several AVG accounts registered under different e-mail addresses. The subscription of product is only active in the account that you used or generated during the purchase. You can track the status of all subscriptions available in your AVG MyAccount If the AVG product is already installed in your device and you aren’t connected then please follow these steps: You will see AVG icon on your desktop. Double-click the icon to open AVG Zen. To connect with the Internet, you click on Connect in the top-right corner of the screen. After that you click...